
LXLE 16.04.1 Eclectica Released

LXLE's is built upon Ubuntu Mini LTS releases. Lubuntu-core is used as a starting point. This version is based on 16.04.1

Key Features

Btrfs file system base
Auto detect dual monitors
Expose like window picker
Lightweight app launcher
i3lock screen with autoblur
'Aero' window snap feature
Enhanced menu speed
Assistive Technology apps
Detailed startup splash
Terminal based Weather app
Mate & Mint app additions
Condensed 'Control Menu'
100 brand new wallpapers
Security updates auto installed
uCareSystemCore update manager
Random/Interval Wallpaper changer

File Manager Extensions

Open as root
Set as wallpaper
Right click check md5sum
Right click desktop trash empty

All software has been updated to their latest stable versions available for Ubuntu 16.04.1. Added PPA's ensure up to date apps of some of the most popular software such as LibreOffice. Overall the apps has been streamlined and slimmed. Even with the inclusion of three small Assistive Technology programs like a magnifier and onscreen keyboard.

This version of LXLE was pretty difficult. A number of Gnome apps had to be replaced with their Mate twin application to maintain a consistent user interface. Many programs and solutions had to come from many different sources to make 16.04.1 of LXLE possible. A very eclectic OS. Hence the name, Eclectica.

Respins like LXLE bring together not just the incredible work of the programmers behind the base system but also the ideas, tips, tricks and cool hacks from around the world/web. All in the hopes of creating an OS suitable for most computers produced within the last decade, perhaps even older without sacrificing tons of features or aesthetics.

Finally, a release doesn't mean bug free, perhaps close, but never perfect, as proven often. Distrowatch may provide a torrent of Eclectica later. Below are some screenshots.

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What others are saying

"I dig this, I really do. Now...why doesn't this release just replace Lubuntu?! You have a superior aesthetic look and better suited to a wide range of desktop users. Just thought I'd send a quick note to say great job!" ~Derrick

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