
LXLE Eclectica 16.04.3 Released

LXLE 16.04.3 is built upon Ubuntu Mini LTS. Lubuntu-core is used as a starting point.

What's New?

LXhotkey replaced obkey for better ease of use.
Addressed menu clutter, layout and organization.
Tweaked theme for consistency throughout system.
Further integration of Mate/LXQT/Mint desktop components.
Removed Pithos as it's regional and requires a user account.
Slimmed game section and focused soley on desktop games.
Streamlined default PPA's and Repositories to avoid redundancies.
Lock screen has better blur and indicator of what happened and what to do.
QT+gtk - forced gtk theme adaptation for stubborn qt based default applications.
Grub/Login - backgrounds set to default wallpaper for overall theme consistency.
Updates - update notifier checks unattended-upgrades log for non automatic updates.
Window effects such as shadows, fading, transparency, tear free video provided by compton.

Key Features

Btrfs file system base
Auto detect dual monitors
Expose like window picker
Lightweight app launcher
i3lock screen with autoblur
'Aero' window snap feature
Enhanced menu speed
Assistive Technology apps
Detailed startup splash screen
Terminal based Weather app
Mate/LXQT/Mint app additions
Security updates auto installed
uCareSystemCore update manager
Random/Interval Wallpaper changer
Compton compositing window manager

File Manager Contextual Additions

Open as root
Set as wallpaper
Right click check md5sum
Right click desktop trash empty

This version may find itself being one of the nicest versions of LXLE ever released. Bits and pieces were worked on which essentially amounted to user annoyances and developer ocd style pet peeves. This version really seemed to cement the distributions desktop paradigm as familiar and intuitive even if it is aimed at 'resource mising' machines or users. The carefully selected options of the newly added compositing manager not only relieves the processor of some heavy lifting but also provides visual elegance to the overall look of the OS without slowing down the system.

Finally, a release doesn't mean bug free, perhaps close, but never perfect, as proven often.

Below are some screenshots.

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What others are saying

Installed 32 bit version on my old pc I had built in 2006 or 2007. Had tried other distros with a lag to them because of this pc being as old as it is ...great work guys no lag so far and it runs great. ~Jimmy

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