Hide Window Content While Dragging
  • I recently switched from Mint Mate to LXLE. Everything feels snappier except window operations. My ancient video card struggles when I move windows around. I had setup Mate to only show the outline when dragging. How can I do this in LXDE?
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Openbox currently doesn't support frame only moving, the only thing you can do thats even relatively close or similar that may help is

    Menu>preferences>openbox configuration manager

    Move&Resize and uncheck update the window contents while resizing.

    Outside of that, frame only moving is not supported.

    I would also check

    Menu>Preferences>Additional Drivers

    to see if there is a proprietary driver available for you graphics chip/card
  • No proprietary drivers for my Geforce4, but the update the window contents while resizing does help a bit, but still lags when moving windows around.  

    Overall, still seems like an improvement. Thanks for giving us such an awesome distro!
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    No problem and thanks, but its just a respin the linux community as a whole has given all of us awesome distros.