grub prompt at boot
  • tawnatawna
    PMPosts: 8
    Every time I try to boot lxle, I only get the command window for grub.  I have to type a bunch of commands to access the lxle operating system.  I tried the grub fix app, but it didn't work.  What must I do to get lxle to load without having to type a bunch of commands in the grub prompts?
  • tawnatawna
    PMPosts: 8
    This was a fresh install of lxle focal from usb.  I went ahead and configured the desktop how I want it, then installed updates.  After installing updates, the operating system rebooted properly and bypassed the grub screen.  I didn't have to enter grub commands at the prompts.  So, anyone else having problems should update the operating system from the control menu's "check & install updates" option.  Wait several minutes, the computer would try to reboot.  After the screen shuts down, turn off the computer, turn it back on, and then it should boot properly.
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