Opera web browser?
  • How do you get the Opera web browser installed on LXLE?    I don't see it in the software centre or synaptic.  I downloaded it directly from the Opera website but Gdebi package installer won't install it because of "permissions" I apparently don't have the permission to install Opera to my own computer...

    Any help?
    Thanked by 1[Deleted User]
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    You might have had synaptic still open when trying to install with Gdebi, you can't install with gdebi with synaptic still open.
    Thanked by 1[Deleted User]
  • go to where you downloads the .deb file right click and click on the permissions tab, what do you see there?

    the first box should say anybody.  if not change it to that.
    and try again. 
    Thanked by 1[Deleted User]
  • Indy452Indy452
    PMPosts: 3
    Well, sorry for the BS post but I guess it was a corrupt download as I re-downloaded the .deb and the install went fine from there...

    Thanks anyways...
    Thanked by 1[Deleted User]