
LXLE 14.04 Beta Release Notes

Having an excellent base from which to build, LXLE releases can head straight into beta testing thanks to the superb work already performed by Canonical and their LXDE Desktop Team a.k.a. Lubuntu.

The LXLE 14.04 release is an attempt to continue some successful ideas portrayed in the 12.04 series, addresses known issues, bugs and attempts to fulfill known shortcomings of the OS.

This first beta of LXLE 14.04 is intended for testers/earlier adopters and to introduce the current ideas and direction of the OS. Staying more out of the way, and providing a cleaner interface.

Notable Features

  • Power Management now provided automatically by TLP
  • PCmanFM features enhanced, extended and restored.
  • Panel trash access now replies empty or asks to empty.
  • Battery and # of trash items now reported via conky.
  • Some apps replaced for better functionality/ease of use.
  • Desktop Paradigms updated, tweaked, and or polished.
  • Elementary icons updated, 100 fresh new wallpapers.
  • Handy additional tools added for Openbox only sessions.
  • Addressed Universal Access & Educational solutions.
  • Better support for multiple monitors & languages.
  • Pre-configured Claws-Mail client for better integration.
  • Full featured cross platform remote desktop support options.
  • Background processes optimized for minimal system footprint.

LXLE 14.04 is planned to be a 64bit only release. 32bit machines will receive an updated 12.04 shortly, this is due to the understanding that most 32bit machines are better supported under 12.04 kernel/drivers/modules.

The beta is available via SourceForge.

Once finalized LXLE will go torrent only, with an exception, this release will add a torrent tracker so users are able to obtain the ISO easier, without their torrent settings needing to be perfect.

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What others are saying

This is a great replacement for Windows XP on older equipment and it works out of the box. LXLE also recognised my wifi card straight away on my laptop so I got instant wifi and it's got visually stunning wallpapers too.  ~Tim

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